Civil War audiobooks
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Better Angels of Our Nature
Slavery and Frontier Mississippi, 1720-1835
The Shiloh Campaign
Spring 1865
minimum width for cell
The Civil War Guerrilla
Lincoln of Kentucky
The Seventh Star of the Confederacy
Civil War Leaders

Civil War Leaders

A Chelsea House Title

Tim McNeese

Narrated by Bruce Miles

Available from Audible

Book published by Chelsea House

Though historians could name hundreds of political and military leaders who left their mark during the Civil War, Civil War Leaders presents the lives and contributions made by the era’s greatest leaders, representatives of both sides in the conflict, Northerners and Southerners alike. While their efforts may, at times, have pitted one against the other, their legacies represent a patchwork of American biographies. Each pursued goals that were set by the course of the nation as it became increasingly fractured. Through secession and the bloodiest war to date in American history, the United States emerged on the other side of the conflict once again united, its weaknesses healed, and its future more secure than it had been before the ordinance of war briefly ruled the American landscape. Learn about the intriguing leaders of the Civil War era, their convictions, and their decisions during this tumultuous time in American history.

Chelsea House titles offer informative, well written introductions to a wide variety of subjects.


Abraham Lincoln

Jefferson Davis

Robert E. Lee

Ulysses S. Grant

Thomas Stonewall Jackson

Frederick Douglass

All titles are published by:
University Press Audiobooks
an imprint of Redwood Audiobooks

University Press Audiobooks